Fractal Networks

Smart Local Energy

Intelligent networks enabling
efficient and zero carbon energy systems

A few words about Us


What we think

We believe that engaged local communities, who define what matters most to them, assisted by powerful decentralized automation tools, will lead to the most equitable form of a new energy system.

We also believe in the power of collaboration, cooperation and sharing - by working together we stand a better chance to address the big challenges in front of us.

What's our motivation

With the urgent need for action in containing and reversing the damage done to the whole biosphere, we get inspired by the organizations that are showing society how it’s possible to be successful while actively protecting our environment, promoting social prosperity and being financially viable.

We would like to be active agents for change and hope to inspire others to follow suit.

Our focus: the energy system

Our way of living requires vast amounts of energy and the current model, based on fossil fuels, puts an immense cost onto our environment.

We can all meet our needs in a sustainable way by being efficient in the way we use energy and through the renewable resources available to us.

To do so we need a different approach, a smart and decentralized one, where real time data, combined with optimization algorithms, enable the system to shift and flex according to the needs of energy users and resources available.



What we do

We have been developing a complete digital environment and IT tools designed for optimizing the electricity system starting right where energy is generated and consumed at the edge of the grid. Our research and development efforts focus on the practical implementation of cutting-edge innovation, working in close collaboration with our partners to identify what is most important for them.

In implementing our systems we follow a very simple approach:

1. We gather and aggregate near real-time data not only from your devices and assets, but also many other external sources, which provide a complete view of what is happening on the ground;

2. Visibility leads to insights on how best to create and deliver value, be it by maximizing operational performance, increasing end-user self-consumption of generated energy, or coordinating local-area generation, storage and network utilization;

3. And, finally, we make sure the way our systems are implemented is adaptable and flexible so you are always the first to spot new opportunities and ready to keep pace with constant changes in the market.

In all our projects one of the first things we do is to implement dashboards that make it easy to visualize complex data, which creates better understanding of how different parts of the system work together and leads to those insights on how to create value for your business.

See below how Fractal Networks R&D can help you

Energy use analysis

Detailed reports identifying generation and consumption dynamics in a particular site, and key areas of focus to maximize consumption of local generation

Optimum capacity design

Data collection and analysis for capacity design of local energy generation and storage

Energy monitoring

Online realtime energy monitoring and alerts for small and medium sized customers

R & D

Working together in strategic partnership to develop new solutions for energy efficiency and zero carbon projects


We can help companies to identify and deliver more value to their customers through new services design and development in the field of distributed energy

Delivering innovation through partnerships

How we are applying our solutions in real projects

Low Carbon Hub

Strategic partnership

Project LEO

Research and development

Osney supercharge

Innovation in practice


Contact us to receive more information about our services

[email protected]